汪景宽, 徐香茹, 裴久渤, 李双异. 东北黑土地区耕地质量现状与面临的机遇和挑战[J]. 土壤通报, 2021, 52(3): 695 − 701. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2021011103
引用本文: 汪景宽, 徐香茹, 裴久渤, 李双异. 东北黑土地区耕地质量现状与面临的机遇和挑战[J]. 土壤通报, 2021, 52(3): 695 − 701. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2021011103
WANG Jing-kuan, XU Xiang-ru, PEI Jiu-bo, LI Shuang-yi. Current Situations of Black Soil Quality and Facing Opportunities and Challenges in Northeast China[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2021, 52(3): 695 − 701. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2021011103
Citation: WANG Jing-kuan, XU Xiang-ru, PEI Jiu-bo, LI Shuang-yi. Current Situations of Black Soil Quality and Facing Opportunities and Challenges in Northeast China[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2021, 52(3): 695 − 701. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2021011103


Current Situations of Black Soil Quality and Facing Opportunities and Challenges in Northeast China

  • 摘要: 东北黑土地区是世界四大黑土区之一,耕地总面积3584万hm2,粮食产量占全国粮食总产量的1/4、商品粮的1/3,为保障国家粮食安全做出了重要贡献。由于土壤侵蚀和长期高强度重用轻养等原因,黑土地区土壤耕层变薄、有机质含量降低、土壤酸化、结构变差、功能退化,导致黑土“变薄、变瘦、变硬”。通过分析明确了该地区耕地后备资源较少、中低产田比例偏高、农田基础设施不足等问题,指出保证国家粮食安全是黑土地区面临的最大机遇,提升黑土地区耕地质量是面临的最大挑战。进一步明确了提升黑土地区耕地质量主要对策,包括加强水土流失治理,确保黑土地耕层不变薄;加强有机物料投入,确保黑土地有机质不下降;重视平衡施肥和酸化土壤改良,遏制土壤酸化;加强高标准农田建设,确保黑土地质量不降低;完善耕地质量建设管理制度,确保黑土地保护有法可依。


    Abstract: Black soil region in Northeast China is one of the four large black soil regions in the world, with 35.84 million hm2 of cultivated land. The grain output in this region accounts for a quarter of total output and a third of commercial grain in China, making the important contribution to the country's food security. Soil erosion and overused patterns have led to the thinning of topsoil layer, depletion of soil organic matter, acidification of soil, deterioration of soil structure, and degradation of ecological functions, resulting in the topsoil ‘thinned, barren and hardened’. Due to the less cultivated land reserve resources, high proportions of medium and low yield farmland and insufficient farmland infrastructure in this region, ensuring national food security and improving the quality of cultivated land were the most opportunity and the biggest challenge. The main countermeasures have been given to improve the quality of cultivated land in the black soil region, including strengthening the soil erosion control to prevent black soil tillage layer thinning, applying more organic materials to ensure soil organic matter decreasing, balancing fertilization and soil improvement to curb soil acidification. We still need to strengthen the construction of high-standard farmland to increase the quality of cultivated land and make more management policies to protect the sustainable use in black soil region.


