崔 鑫, 刘文波, 郭俊杰, 施腾楠, 张 敏, 单胜道. 基于文献计量分析的土壤磷素研究现状与发展趋势[J]. 土壤通报, 2023, 54(6): 1493 − 1502. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2022061406
引用本文: 崔 鑫, 刘文波, 郭俊杰, 施腾楠, 张 敏, 单胜道. 基于文献计量分析的土壤磷素研究现状与发展趋势[J]. 土壤通报, 2023, 54(6): 1493 − 1502. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2022061406
CUI Xin, LIU Wen-bo, GUO Jun-jie, SHI Teng-nan, ZHANG Min, SHAN Sheng-dao. Research Hotspots and Progress of Soil Phosphorus Based Bibliometric Analysis[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2023, 54(6): 1493 − 1502. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2022061406
Citation: CUI Xin, LIU Wen-bo, GUO Jun-jie, SHI Teng-nan, ZHANG Min, SHAN Sheng-dao. Research Hotspots and Progress of Soil Phosphorus Based Bibliometric Analysis[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2023, 54(6): 1493 − 1502. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2022061406


Research Hotspots and Progress of Soil Phosphorus Based Bibliometric Analysis

  • 摘要: 基于对土壤磷素相关文献的全面梳理与系统总结,明确国内外土壤磷素研究的现状、热点与未来发展趋势。以Web of Science核心数据库中1990 ~ 2021年间8444篇与土壤磷素相关的研究论文为数据源,利用CiteSpace软件对发文国家、机构、关键词及其聚类等进行可视化分析。结果表明:土壤磷素研究的发文数量从2017年开始快速增长。美国、中国和澳大利亚发文数量位列前三,其中美国和澳大利亚中介中心性较高。研究机构合作网络显示中介中心性较高的机构为中国农业科学院、阿德莱德大学和拉筹伯大学,其分别以农田磷素可持续管理、植物-微生物介导磷素利用效率、土壤磷组分和磷循环为研究重点。文献共被引分析表明,磷素的资源短缺、遗留效应、径流迁移特征和限制机制是该领域研究的重点内容。关键词共现网络、聚类和突现性分析表明,土壤氮磷互作、磷素-植物效应、磷素有效性、动态变化等是该研究领域的热点。研究趋势集中于微生物(群落)、养分限制(化学计量比)和气候变化等方面对土壤磷有效性和磷周转的影响。未来充分挖掘微生物资源、缓解土壤养分限制将为土壤磷素的可持续利用提供科学措施。


    Abstract: Based on a comprehensive review and systematic summary of soil phosphorus-related literature, the current status, hot spots and future development trends of soil phosphorus research at home and abroad are identified. 8444 phosphorus-related studies published from 1990 to 2021 were collected from the Web of Science core database, and visual analysis of posting countries, institutions, keywords and their clustering were used with CiteSpace software. The results showed that the number of publications on soil phosphorus research has been increasing rapidly since 2017. The top three countries in terms of number of publications were the United States, China and Australia, with the United States and Australia having higher betweenness centrality. The cooperation network of research institutions showed that the institutions with higher betweenness centrality were the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Adelaide University and La Trobe University. Their researches have focused on sustainable management of phosphorus in farmland, phosphorus utilization efficiency mediated by plant-microorganism interaction, soil phosphorus fractions and phosphorus cycling, respectively. The co-citation analysis of the literature indicated that the resource shortage, legacy effect, runoff migration characteristics, and phosphorus limiting mechanism were the key contents. Key words co-occurrence network, clustering and Burst detection analysis showed that soil nitrogen-phosphorus interactions, phosphorus-plant effects, phosphorus availability, and dynamic were the hot spots. Future research will focus on the effects of soil microorganisms, nutrient limitations (stoichiometric ratios), and climate change on soil phosphorus availability and the turnover of phosphorus. In the future, fully exploiting potential microbial resources and alleviating soil nutrient limitation will provide the advantageous strategies for the sustainable utilization of soil phosphorus.


