王晨光, 马 波, 李占斌, 胡晓珂, 王 稆, 张婉卓, 徐笛娜. 不同草灌复合样地对土壤分离能力的影响[J]. 土壤通报, 2024, 55(2): 341 − 350. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2023013101
引用本文: 王晨光, 马 波, 李占斌, 胡晓珂, 王 稆, 张婉卓, 徐笛娜. 不同草灌复合样地对土壤分离能力的影响[J]. 土壤通报, 2024, 55(2): 341 − 350. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2023013101
WANG Chen-guang, MA Bo, LI Zhan-bin, HU Xiao-ke, WANG Lv, ZHANG Wan-zhuo, XU Di-na. Effect of Different Grass and Shrub Compound Sample Plots on Soil Detachment Ability[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2024, 55(2): 341 − 350. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2023013101
Citation: WANG Chen-guang, MA Bo, LI Zhan-bin, HU Xiao-ke, WANG Lv, ZHANG Wan-zhuo, XU Di-na. Effect of Different Grass and Shrub Compound Sample Plots on Soil Detachment Ability[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2024, 55(2): 341 − 350. DOI: 10.19336/j.cnki.trtb.2023013101


Effect of Different Grass and Shrub Compound Sample Plots on Soil Detachment Ability

  • 摘要:
    目的 明确不同草灌复合样地对土壤分离速率的影响机制。
    方法 试验选取研究区域内分布较广的草灌复合样地:柠条锦鸡儿、柠条锦鸡儿 + 冰草、柠条锦鸡儿 + 铁杆蒿,探究不同草灌样地在固定流量和坡度下的土壤分离速率及其影响因素的分布特征。
    结果 样地类型、采样距离以及土壤深度三个主效应均对土壤分离速率有显著影响(P < 0.05)。不同样地在灌木基部的土壤分离速率均值均高于距灌木基部50 cm处的土壤分离速率。基于随机森林算法的重要性分析表明,在影响土壤分离能力的根系和土壤指标中,相对重要性最高的分别是根长密度和大于0.25 mm团聚体。根长密度(RLD)、团聚体(Ag)与土壤分离能力(Dc)之间的函数关系可用Dc = (RLD × Aga)1/b表示,在不同样地该函数的R2均在0.72以上。 整体来说,在不同样地土壤分离率最低的为柠条锦鸡儿 + 铁杆蒿样地。
    结论 根长密度和大于0.25 mm团聚体是影响影响土壤分离的主要因素。研究结果对于揭示不同样地根系及土壤性质影响土壤分离机制研究具有一定的借鉴意义。


    Objective The aim was to clarify the influence mechanism of different grass and shrub composite plots on soil detachmentrate.
    Method Typical grass-shrub sample plots were selected for this experiment: Caragana korshinskii, Caragana korshinskii and Agropyron cristatum, and Caragana korshinskii and Artemisia gmelinii. The distribution characteristics of soil detachment rates and their influencing factors were investigated in the different grass-shrub sample sites at a fixed flow and slope.
    Result The three main effects of sample plot type, distance, and soil depth have significant effects on soil detachment rate (P < 0.05). The rate of soil detachment at the base of the shrubs was higher than that at 50 cm from the base of the shrubs in different sample plots. Importance analysis based on the Random Forest algorithm showed that among the root and soil indicators affecting soil detachment capacity, the highest relative importance was given to root length density and greater than 0.25 mm soil aggregate, respectively. The functional relationship between root length density, soil aggregate and soil detachment capacity could be expressed by Dc=(RLD*Aga)1/b, and R2 is above 0.72 in different sample plots. On the whole, the lowest soil separation rate in different areas was Caragana korshinskii and Artemisia gmelinii sample plots.
    Conclusion In this study, root length density and aggregates larger than 0.25 mm are the main factors affecting soil detachment. This study has implications for revealing the mechanisms by root systems and soil properties affecting soil detachment at different sample plots.


